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I know, I'm a bit behind on my January check-in. Things got busy. Let's get to it!
Hit target number of monthly illustrations. - 100% complete.
Number illustrations completed - 100% complete.
Number illustrations completed - 100% complete.
Make target income for the month. - 130% complete.
Draw one illustration for myself. - 100% complete.
The Good: I more than completed this section. I blasted through commissions, made extra money, did a caricature gig and still found time to draw for myself. I'm feeling pretty confident!
The Struggles: I. Want. Weekends. Off. I have a tendency to overbook myself between my commissions and my personal life. I had one weekend totally off in January and it was glorious - even if I did follow Aaron around groaning, "I'M BORED!" like a toddler. I actually have this weekend off, which is amazingly swell. Let's see if I can keep that up.
FINANCIAL - 100% Complete, but with a catch.
Make target income for the month. - 130% complete.
Keep budget. - 100% complete.
The Good: I not only had extra income from January, but I spent less than I think I've ever spent in a single month. Yay, budget!
The Struggles: Why has no one taught my husband the value of money? I set a budget for him that was more than lenient. He actually got $300 in random spending money, compared to my $50. When I checked in with him on the 15th, he was $20 under his spending money budget. I warned him then that he needed to stop eating out every day and buying games on a whim. Unfortunately, that didn't fix it and he more than tripled his spending money in games and fast food.
This really runs into a much longer rant that I'd like not to get into in this post, but we had a discussion about it. He's on probation for February. I need a receipt for everything he spends. He has no spending money for February to make up for the fact that he tripled it this month. No games. No fast food. Nothing. If he fails at the budget this month, I will become the only person with control over our money. I really don't want to do that; I watched my parents and his parents do it and it seems demeaning, but if he can't grow up and stop overindulging, I'll have no choice.
I'm pulling all of the extra money I made this month to cover the money he should have saved. Thanks dear.
HEALTH - 110% Complete!
Begin taking thyroid meds - continue for entire month. - 100% complete.
Lose 3 pounds by eating a salad every day and avoiding take-out. - 120% complete.
The Good: I haven't missed a single levothyroxine pill. I also weighed in on the 31st at 168.4, which is 3.6 pounds less than I weighed on the 1st.
The Bad: I was weighing myself on Mondays. This Monday, I clocked in at 167.4. Not sure why the pound difference on Thursday - water retention, lack of sleep, pizza on Tuesday. Who knows. But it was a little disappointing to see. Oh well. Onward!
HOME - 100% Complete!
Organize my computer. - 100% Complete.
The Good: It took two hours and I've been keeping it organized since!
The Bad: Not a whole lot. I didn't start until half way through the month, but that wasn't a big deal in the end.
KNOWLEDGE - 91% Complete, and doing some catch up this weekend!
Begin taking thyroid meds - continue for entire month. - 100% complete.
Begin taking supplements - continue for entire month. - 100% complete.
Begin daily mental exercises. - 100% complete.
Read one book. - 65% complete.The Good: I really caught up on my daily mental exercises. I'm already past beginner on the mental exercise application, which probably would have taken me most of the month anyway.
The Bad: I couldn't find a single minute to read this week. I kept scheduling it in, but it was the easiest thing to push out of the way for things like work and family. That being said, I plan on finishing it this weekend!
PERSONAL - 100% Complete!
Begin taking thyroid meds - continue for entire month. - 100% complete.
Begin meditating. - 100% complete.
Draw one illustration for myself. - 100% complete.
Lose 3 pounds by eating a salad every day and avoiding take-out. - 100% complete.
Adhere to my planner schedule. - 100% complete.
No notes here, as most of these come from other sections.
RELATIONSHIP - 200% Complete!
Do one date night: Watch movies in. - 200% complete.
The Good: The weekend I had off in January, Aaron and I had a movie night (mostly because we needed to ebb the bored complaints, lol). On Tuesday, we did it again. I introduced Aaron to Game of Thrones and we watched the first two episodes, complete with pizza. I know I wanted to cut down on the eating out this month, but I feel like date night can be an exception.
The Bad: Um... Artie knocked over my glass of water? I'm really reaching there. There's nothing bad about date night!
SPIRITUAL - 100% Complete!
Begin meditating. - 100% complete.
The Good: I have started meditating more often.
The Bad: I didn't meditate as much as I had hoped to. Like reading my book, it was one of those easy things to push out of the way for more pertinent things - things with deadlines. I think the goal I set for myself here is a little unreachable with my current workload, so I'm going to cut down how much I'd like to meditate and accept once a week for February.
OVER ALL FOR JANUARY: 114% Complete!
Biggest success so far? I was a illustrating MACHINE this month! I couldn't be happier with my career right now.
What I need to work on the most? Doing things for myself. Meditation, reading the book - those are me-time things. They're also the easiest to push out of the way. So that'll be an important theme for February.
What I'm the most worried about? My husband's spending habits. I know we worked it out and that he's well aware of the mistakes he made (He, um, may have cried. Shhhh, I said nothing.). However, I can't help but be concerned. Having him check in with receipts will really help build my confidence in him.
What am I the least worried about? Drawing one illustration for myself a month. I finally picked out a theme, with some help from my loving (though not-so frugal) husband!
Check List for February
Decide on a theme for my personal illustrations.- Sketch out thumbnails for my personal illustrations.
Sit down with my husband and our bank accounts to analyze our budget Thursday.Divide February's home organization goal of the office into four smaller chores for each week.- Get two clear water bottles so I can mark the hours of the day on them to ensure 8 glasses of water a day in February.
Get a jar to put money in for each pound lost.- Get some loose ones to put in the jar for each pound lost.
Select a new book to read.- Plan out February date night.
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