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Month is currently 50% over.
Overall: 55% complete.
Overall: 55% complete.
CAREER - 67% Complete
Hit target number of monthly illustrations. - 58% complete.
Number illustrations completed - 30% complete.
Number illustrations completed - 30% complete.
Make target income for the month. - 73% complete.
Draw one illustration for myself. - 100% complete.
Finish February's illustration. - 75% complete.
Some notes: I mentioned, at some point, that I did some spiritual work about a week ago. That involved a lot of drawing, so I'm counting that as my drawing for myself. Also, while it looks like I'm a little off on my number of illustrations completed, I'm actually right on schedule. Because I took a week off, my numbers related to my work this month might be a little wonky.
Finish February's illustration. - 75% complete.
Some notes: I mentioned, at some point, that I did some spiritual work about a week ago. That involved a lot of drawing, so I'm counting that as my drawing for myself. Also, while it looks like I'm a little off on my number of illustrations completed, I'm actually right on schedule. Because I took a week off, my numbers related to my work this month might be a little wonky.
FINANCIAL - 62% Complete
Make target income for the month. - 73% complete.
Keep budget. - 50% complete.
Some notes: Nothing really to report here.
Some notes: Nothing really to report here.
HEALTH - 20% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 50% complete.
Lose 4 pounds with short daily exercises and walking one mile a week. - 10% complete.
Dentist appointment. - 0% complete.
Some notes: So I'm technically behind here. Thing is, trying to get my husband to give me a list of available dentists in the area has been a pain. I've asked for it for two weeks now and nothing. The website isn't helpful. I'm really just going to have to drive to his work and get a list. Bah. Also, weighing myself this week isn't really possible for girl reasons, so I'm going with a weight I saw on a spontaneous weigh I did last Thursday. That was 164.6. I should be 164 by now, but I'm not sure if I got there. Despite everything, I signed up for some exercise classes next month, so if I don't lose all the weight, I'm sure to lose more then.
Side note: Dentist check list - Find a dentist's office, set the appointment and go.
Dentist appointment. - 0% complete.
Some notes: So I'm technically behind here. Thing is, trying to get my husband to give me a list of available dentists in the area has been a pain. I've asked for it for two weeks now and nothing. The website isn't helpful. I'm really just going to have to drive to his work and get a list. Bah. Also, weighing myself this week isn't really possible for girl reasons, so I'm going with a weight I saw on a spontaneous weigh I did last Thursday. That was 164.6. I should be 164 by now, but I'm not sure if I got there. Despite everything, I signed up for some exercise classes next month, so if I don't lose all the weight, I'm sure to lose more then.
Side note: Dentist check list - Find a dentist's office, set the appointment and go.
HOME - 38% Complete
Organize the den closet. - 75% complete.
Organize the entrance closet. - 0% complete.
Some notes: Trying to get Aaron to work on the den closet is like pulling teeth. I thought the closet was mostly my stuff - turns out, it's mostly his. I already have my stuff cleaned out. He was supposed to finish his half before we went camping this weekend, but it didn't happen. I swear, men. Nothing motivates them.
Organize the entrance closet. - 0% complete.
Some notes: Trying to get Aaron to work on the den closet is like pulling teeth. I thought the closet was mostly my stuff - turns out, it's mostly his. I already have my stuff cleaned out. He was supposed to finish his half before we went camping this weekend, but it didn't happen. I swear, men. Nothing motivates them.
KNOWLEDGE - 41% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 50% complete.
Continue taking supplements. - 50% complete.
Continue daily mental exercises. - 50% complete.
Read one book. - 15% complete.
Some notes: I finally chose a book for this month. Only took me half the month to do so. Now the trick will be reading it in time.
Some notes: I finally chose a book for this month. Only took me half the month to do so. Now the trick will be reading it in time.
PERSONAL - 47% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 50% complete.
Meditate three times in April. - 33% complete.
Draw one illustration for myself. - 100% complete.
Lose 4 pounds with short daily exercises and walking one mile a week. - 0% complete.
Adhere to my planner schedule. - 50% complete.
RELATIONSHIP - 100% Complete
Do one date night. - 100% complete.
Some notes: I will give Aaron this: he completely orchestrated our camping trip (probably why he slacked on everything else) and it was amazing. We even took Artie with us and he did so well! I'm so proud of my dog. We went to Cross Timbers State Park near Toronto, KS. We set up by about 5 pm Saturday and stayed until noon the next day - and the only reason we left so early was because the wind was literally tearing up the tent. Woo, windstorm. It was an amazing experience though, and I can't wait to do it again!
Some notes: I will give Aaron this: he completely orchestrated our camping trip (probably why he slacked on everything else) and it was amazing. We even took Artie with us and he did so well! I'm so proud of my dog. We went to Cross Timbers State Park near Toronto, KS. We set up by about 5 pm Saturday and stayed until noon the next day - and the only reason we left so early was because the wind was literally tearing up the tent. Woo, windstorm. It was an amazing experience though, and I can't wait to do it again!
SPIRITUAL - 67% Complete
Meditate three times in April. - 33% complete.
Volunteer for the local pet shelter once this month. - 100% complete.
Some notes: I meditated once shortly before we left. I also volunteered on the sixth. I'm not volunteering this upcoming Saturday because I have a drawing gig at an after prom that night and need to sleep in to be awake for it. Turns out, I'll also have to cancel for May 4th's date because Aaron's sister is graduating college in Indiana. I really hate cancelling since I said I'd be available, but it's not like his sister is going to graduate again.
Note: I was unable to do this every day for Friday, Saturday and Sunday because I went camping! Also, pictures for EVERYTHING!
Volunteer for the local pet shelter once this month. - 100% complete.
Some notes: I meditated once shortly before we left. I also volunteered on the sixth. I'm not volunteering this upcoming Saturday because I have a drawing gig at an after prom that night and need to sleep in to be awake for it. Turns out, I'll also have to cancel for May 4th's date because Aaron's sister is graduating college in Indiana. I really hate cancelling since I said I'd be available, but it's not like his sister is going to graduate again.
Days 3, 4 and 5: April 12th - 14th
Note: I was unable to do this every day for Friday, Saturday and Sunday because I went camping! Also, pictures for EVERYTHING!
Wake up 30 minutes early for...
Breakfast Questions
What is my greatest challenge in my life right now?
I overthink everything and worry entirely too much. For example, we treated Artie for ticks and I sprayed him down with repellent. When we got home, we immediately bathed him and found two dead ticks attached to his front left paw, which we removed. Now it's probably fine. They were female Lone Star ticks, which means they're highly unlikely to carry Lyme disease. Since we removed them, and they were dead anyway, he won't have tick paralysis. It doesn't change the fact that I'm concerned about him. He's tired - honestly from the trip, I'm sure - but it worries me. He slept all night last night and is still drowsy and sleeping today. I'm going to give it a few days. I want to see him eat and drink on his own and be more perky. If he isn't by Thursday or Friday, I'm taking him to the vet. But he's honestly probably fine and I'm sure I'm just panicking about nothing.
I overthink everything and worry entirely too much. For example, we treated Artie for ticks and I sprayed him down with repellent. When we got home, we immediately bathed him and found two dead ticks attached to his front left paw, which we removed. Now it's probably fine. They were female Lone Star ticks, which means they're highly unlikely to carry Lyme disease. Since we removed them, and they were dead anyway, he won't have tick paralysis. It doesn't change the fact that I'm concerned about him. He's tired - honestly from the trip, I'm sure - but it worries me. He slept all night last night and is still drowsy and sleeping today. I'm going to give it a few days. I want to see him eat and drink on his own and be more perky. If he isn't by Thursday or Friday, I'm taking him to the vet. But he's honestly probably fine and I'm sure I'm just panicking about nothing.
Who do I love in my life?
My husband, who planned, reserved and collected everything we needed for the camping trip, and our date weekend, all by himself. It was so much fun!
My dog, who went camping with us like a champ! He snuggled with us all night, snored in my ear, licked me when the sun came up, ran around the campsite like a mad dog and had so much fun.
And my cat, Zeus, who was patiently waiting for us in the window when we got home. When I approached the window, he "head booped" me through the window meowing and wouldn't let me out of his sight. Most cats (like Hermes) hold grudges when you leave. Zeus just wanted to love me.
My husband, who planned, reserved and collected everything we needed for the camping trip, and our date weekend, all by himself. It was so much fun!
My dog, who went camping with us like a champ! He snuggled with us all night, snored in my ear, licked me when the sun came up, ran around the campsite like a mad dog and had so much fun.
And my cat, Zeus, who was patiently waiting for us in the window when we got home. When I approached the window, he "head booped" me through the window meowing and wouldn't let me out of his sight. Most cats (like Hermes) hold grudges when you leave. Zeus just wanted to love me.
What am I proud of in my life?
The amazing dog I raised. When we got there, we needed to set up the tent. I had no where to put the leash for Artie, so I let him off the leash. We ended up not putting him back on the leash unless we left our camping area. He was perfect! He never tried to stray, staying with us the whole time. He refused to leave our sides, even for a squirrel, and actually got really protective of us at night. My baby boy is perfect.
The amazing dog I raised. When we got there, we needed to set up the tent. I had no where to put the leash for Artie, so I let him off the leash. We ended up not putting him back on the leash unless we left our camping area. He was perfect! He never tried to stray, staying with us the whole time. He refused to leave our sides, even for a squirrel, and actually got really protective of us at night. My baby boy is perfect.
What brings me happiness in my life?
Disconnecting from the world really brought me peace and happiness. Also, for once, I took a real weekend. Usually, I still respond to commissioners over the weekend, and I often work in attempt to "get a bit ahead" for the next week. Being without electricity or signal on my phone, I couldn't connect. And it was an amazing feeling.
Disconnecting from the world really brought me peace and happiness. Also, for once, I took a real weekend. Usually, I still respond to commissioners over the weekend, and I often work in attempt to "get a bit ahead" for the next week. Being without electricity or signal on my phone, I couldn't connect. And it was an amazing feeling.
What am I grateful for in my life?
The way everything seems to work out in life. No matter how upset I get, or how much I fight the universe, it seems to go exactly the way I need it to - whether I see it that way or not.
One Random Act of Kindness
I genuinely complimented six of my friends on their favorite social network. I did it publicly, not for the gratitude or any kind of attention, but so that others would know just how amazing they are.
Donate One Item
Technically, because of the funk I was in, I didn't donate anything for Thursday either, so I'm making up for that. Yesterday, I collected a couple bracelets I didn't want, a few banana clips, a Hawaii key chain (how did I end up with that anyway?), a braided belt, one dictionary and a large bag of toys Artie doesn't (or potentially never) played with. There's also some cat toys in there. At least 20 pieces in that bag. Hopefully that makes up for it.
Read for 30 Minutes
Finally picked a book yesterday and did this! I'm still really behind though. I think I technically need to read for two hours or so to catch up.
20-30 Minutes of Exercise
Friday, Aaron and I went for a walk. Saturday, we put up the tent (trust me, that's a good 30 minutes of exercise), and Sunday, we went on a hiking trail and took down the tent in a windstorm (even more than 30 minutes and a lot harder). So I got my exercise over the weekend.
End of the Day Questions
How did today the weekend go?
It was absolutely amazing!
It was absolutely amazing!
What were your strengths?
Turns out, I can problem solve on a dime. Aaron's never put up that tent before, and I've never been camping, meaning I've never touched a tent in my life. Turns out, I figured out how to put it up and helped Aaron get it together. He said he wasn't sure we would have even slept in a tent that night had it not been for me. I am a badass, or so I'd like to think.
Turns out, I can problem solve on a dime. Aaron's never put up that tent before, and I've never been camping, meaning I've never touched a tent in my life. Turns out, I figured out how to put it up and helped Aaron get it together. He said he wasn't sure we would have even slept in a tent that night had it not been for me. I am a badass, or so I'd like to think.
What were your weaknesses?
I'm not very social. When we first got there, we selected a campsite that was away from the few other campers in the park. When we got back, there were a bunch of drunks in the campsite right next to us (our campsites were technically joined). I was so irritated I nearly unloaded on them. Turns out, the camp has a zero alcohol policy and they were removed within a few minutes of us being there. We didn't even call it in. Also made me feel a lot better about the park we chose.
I'm not very social. When we first got there, we selected a campsite that was away from the few other campers in the park. When we got back, there were a bunch of drunks in the campsite right next to us (our campsites were technically joined). I was so irritated I nearly unloaded on them. Turns out, the camp has a zero alcohol policy and they were removed within a few minutes of us being there. We didn't even call it in. Also made me feel a lot better about the park we chose.
What went well?
Again, Artie. I couldn't have ever imagined him doing as well as he did. That's my pup!
Again, Artie. I couldn't have ever imagined him doing as well as he did. That's my pup!
What are you grateful for?
My husband, who put together this amazing weekend all by himself. He even nitpicked himself a bunch, which was kind of cute. He was so afraid of it not going perfectly, but it completely did.
My husband, who put together this amazing weekend all by himself. He even nitpicked himself a bunch, which was kind of cute. He was so afraid of it not going perfectly, but it completely did.
What could you do different next time?
Bring a lantern. While it was fine not to have one, and we just went to bed when it got too dark to see, I wouldn't have minded having something for a bit of light. Aaron forgot it and down talked himself so much about it. It didn't ruin the camping experience - not one bit! But we might want one next time.
Bring a lantern. While it was fine not to have one, and we just went to bed when it got too dark to see, I wouldn't have minded having something for a bit of light. Aaron forgot it and down talked himself so much about it. It didn't ruin the camping experience - not one bit! But we might want one next time.
Anything else?
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