Sunday, July 14, 2013

July: Week 2 Check-In

Month is currently 45% over.
Overall: 65% complete.

CAREER - 57% Complete
Hit target number of monthly illustrations. - 48% complete.
Number illustrations completed - 38% complete.
Make target income for the month. - 86% complete.
Some notes: Had a fantastic caricature event over the weekend.  Definitely gave me a significant boost in income.  Work's also going very well!

FINANCIAL - 64% Complete
Make target income for the month. - 82% complete.
Keep budget. - 45% complete.
Some notes: Nothing particularly new to say here.  Things are going well!

HEALTH - 65% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 45% complete.
Lose 3 pounds by beginning 5k training. - 120% complete.
Begin training for a 5k and be able to run one mile without stopping. - 30% complete.
Some notes: Put my diet on hold over this weekend given that I dropped a lot of weight pretty quickly.  I don't think 5 pounds in a week and a half is very healthy.  Going to jump back on it tomorrow and see where I'm at.

HOME - 33% Complete
Organize the downstairs closet. - 0% complete.
Organize and sort the boxes in the garage. - 0% complete.
Organize the linen closet. - 100% complete.
Some notes: I've been volunteering a lot, so my schedule's been pretty busy.  Going to check into organizing the downstairs closet this week.
Downstairs closet: Sort boxes; sort filing cabinet; reorganize wedding box; weed out miscellaneous items into a box.
Garage: Buy new boxes; sort into seasonal, labeled boxes; remove unsorted miscellaneous unboxed items.

KNOWLEDGE - 40% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 45% complete.
Continue taking supplements. - 45% complete.
Continue daily mental exercises. - 45% complete.
Read one book. - 25% complete.
Some notes:  Nothing new to say here.  I need to find a good audio book.  Trying to cram in reading has been tough.

PERSONAL - 78% Complete
Continue taking thyroid meds. - 45% complete.
Meditate three times. - 100% complete.
Lose 3 pounds by beginning 5k training. - 120% complete.
Adhere to my planner schedule. - 45% complete.

RELATIONSHIP - 50% Complete
Do one date night. - 50% complete.
Some notes: Aaron booked us to see Pablo Francisco this upcoming Friday at the Improv.  Super stoked!

SPIRITUAL - 131% Complete
Meditate three times. - 100% complete.
Volunteer for the local pet shelter twice this month. - 100% complete.
Find a new place to volunteer. - 300% complete.
Manage one COT event this month. - 25% complete.
Some notes: I've really heavily invested myself this month.  I spent 5 hours in orientation for Crossroads Hospice this weekend.  I'm looking in to taking Artie to hospice patients a few times a month.  I'm not looking for a lot of hours there - just enough to branch out from helping just animals.  I also have orientation this upcoming Monday for the KC Pet Project.  And I did my first day of my Cat Caregiver position this past Thursday.  Busy, busy, busy!

Check List for July
  1. Triple up on July's home cleaning chores.
  2. Sort out July's home cleaning chores into weekly goals.
  3. Be 153.4 by the end of July.
  4. Select a new book to read.
  5. Decide on a date night this month.
  6. Volunteer twice this month.

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