Monday, December 2, 2013

Going for the last hurrah.

It's so easy to neglect this blog.  I hate it, but I pander to my multi-hundred followers blog far more than I do to a blog that only has two.  What can I say? I'm a crowd-pleaser.

November didn't fair very well either.  I got the official release from my ophthalmologist during mid-November.  The scleritis is finally clear!  I spent the rest of November trying to catch up on work and sink back into some semblance of a normal life.  But even there lay a cornucopia of obstacles.  The last time I knew normality, we lived in an entirely different place.  Everything has changed, some good and some bad. 

The new apartment proved to be difficult, between a bat sneaking in through the flue in the middle of the night to a leak that sprung over our new bed and even a bug infestation thanks to our neighbors. I've been stressed to the extreme.  I'm fairly certain I've made enemies of all our neighbors from turning everything in, but I cannot stand to be woken up at 3 AM to cigarette smoke from someone puffing away in the hallway (I have asthma, dammit!) or feeling my chair vibrate every Sunday from the football game (seriously, things were falling off our mantle).  Things are slowly mellowing down on that front, but I must say I've never had so many problems with a single apartment complex in my entire life.

Not all of it has been bad.  Caricature gigs picked up significantly this fall.  I'm used to being booked every weekend, but I finally hit multiple times a day every weekend.  It was exciting!

We also added a new fuzzy baby to our pack - a little abandoned kitten whom we named Apollo.  We had noticed a mom and four kittens nesting in an apartment in our complex.  I think the residents finally kicked them out.  One night, we saw the mom on the railing of the walkway in front of their building.  The next morning, we heard desperate meows from under the same walkway.  There was little Apollo stuck in the mud and scared.  Mama cat and siblings were nowhere to be found.

He's a sweetheart and a bit of a handful, but as a volunteer Cat Caregiver with TARA, he's still the most laid-back kitten I've met.  He fits in very well with our other fuzzy babies too!

So between a pick-up in work and trying to play catch up after my scleritis incident, and the apartment, our new kitten and the holidays, I simply didn't have time to do anything.

I know, I know, it's an excuse.  That's what I always tell myself when I try to explain why I couldn't get around to exercising or cleaning.  But it's the best explanation I've got.

So today is December 2nd, two days into the last month of 2013.  I'm still determined to try to make 2013 semi-successful.  Expect another post within a few minutes outlining my final goals for the year!


  1. I don't "follow" the blog but I have it in my bookmarks and check it weekly like the rest of the blogs I read and I bet there's others that do that as well so don't judge it soley by your followers and keep updating because it's inspiring seeing how you achieve things :p )o(

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! It's hard; sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to myself over here lol. But I'm glad to hear there are some readers out there. Thank you again!
