Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Challenging May End

Things have been absolutely crazy.  It's hard to even think about where to begin.

Aaron and I spent all of the last week of May cleaning our rears off.  Not only were we going out of town on May 31st, but there was a showing scheduled for the house we're renting during our leave.  So, in addition to prepping for my best friend Charli and her boyfriend Eric to move in, we also had to have the house show clean.

We left out last Friday for Chicago.  The original plan was to come back on Saturday, but not a whole lot was packed by the time we got there.  Instead, we spent Saturday packing and came back on Sunday.  Nothing was too out of the ordinary during this time and we made it home safely.

Monday morning, Aaron left out for work.  He stopped at a red stoplight only to be rear-ended by a truck.  Drive 1000 miles in 3 days, get into a wreck on the way to work.  The guy has insurance and they're having a hard time tracking him down.  Without a filed police report since there was no cop on the scene, we don't have anything to lean on.  We could go through our insurance, but that means an instant $500 out of our account that we just don't have after the trip, particularly since Aaron drove Eric's car back and paid for the gas.  I'm not really sure what to do at this point.  We may just have to live with a busted bumper.  I'm going to have Aaron call the guy's insurance again tomorrow.

Then, Monday night, Aaron and Eric were moving Eric's large, heavy desk into the garage.  Eric was on the back end when he tripped over the lip up into the garage and fell.  In the process of falling, he dropped the desk on his ankle.  From the fluid and the immediate swelling, both Charli and I were concerned that he had broken it, though we can both now see that it's just sprained.  Lucky him.  Unfortunately, it put him out of commission for moving the bigger things and the truck was due back the next day.  I called everyone I could get a hold of to help us move whatever we could.  My friends are pretty darn awesome and finished the job with ease.

Between the stress, the fast food and my allergies, I turned up very, very distraught and ill Monday night.  I ended up throwing up before it was all over with.

Tuesday, we returned the truck and had to get Charli a new battery for her car since it died.  I had my first exercise class since I'd left for Chicago.

Today was really my first day off since this whole thing started. My goal was to work on illustrations today and have them done by the evening but no part of me wanted to lift the tablet pen.  I can only hope tomorrow will be better.

Honestly, with all the stress, I'm losing my motivation pretty quickly.  I've tried looking up ways to renew my motivation, but nothing seems to do the trick.  Even when things calm down with Charli and Eric moving in, it doesn't change the fact that I didn't have much motivation to begin with for the month of May.  I didn't work much and I certainly didn't get much done.  The only reason I managed a 104% is because I drew a bunch of internet cats - and I really don't feel like that should count.

I'm hitting a wall hard.

1 comment:

  1. Walls were made for hurdling. You've done so much, it's okay to hit a wall. Think of how far you've come in the last five months. Take each day as it comes and chip away at the bricks until you can jump over it.
    Good luck!
