Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life Update Sunday!

Don't think I'm going to make it to my mom's today for Exercise Sunday.  It may not look like much thanks to strong -10F winds, but there's 5.1" of snow blowing around in my zip code today.  Under that?  A quarter-inch of ice.  We never get our snow without some ice.  Woo, Misery - I mean Missouri!  Yes.  Missouri.

Since my decision to leave Facebook, I've wanted to start a weekly Life Update day.  Hopefully this will be an every-Sunday kind of thing.  At least, when I have the time.  Caricature season gets extremely busy in the summer through fall, but with some preemptive scheduling, I should still be able to hit it.

The cold I had this past week is making its rounds as my husband, Aaron, finally picked it up.  "It's not that bad," he says as he goes back to bed for the third time.  Yeah, that's what I was saying for the first few days.  Of course, my asthma was the only reason I hit a doctor's office.  They ended up giving me a breathing treatment on the spot.  Aaron doesn't have asthma, so hopefully it'll be a smoother ride for him.

The fuzzy babies are doing well.  Hermes and Apollo are becoming even closer.  I'm very proud of those two.  When we first got Apollo, Hermes couldn't do anything but hiss at the little guy.  This has convinced me that Zeus is the Love Bug of our group, spreading peace and joy where ever his fat little body goes.  Zeus has always been best friends with all of our fuzzy babies, even attempting to get on Nyx's better side.  It was Zeus that welcomed Hermes into our home with a headbutt and a purr.  And now that we have Apollo, I fully believe that Zeus, who has been acting like Mister Mom to Lil' Bits, is the main source of the serenity in our household.

Speaking of Zeus, you'll be happy to hear that he's losing weight!  Aaron and I have noticed that he's getting a little less rotund in the midsection and has more energy from his new grain-free formula.  In fact, he started up the "7 AM Train" this morning.  When we first got Zeus, Artie and he would zoom around the house at 7 in the morning chasing each other.  After about six months, it stopped.  This is also when Zeus starting getting plump.  This morning, I was woken up by that same 7 AM Train with a twist: It involved all four pets and ended in my arm.  Ouch!  I bled, I hived and I'm over it, but Lil Bits has to watch those claws!

Hermes has continued his more-loving and more-needy lifestyle.  Once upon a time, this cat was almost unbearable, earning the nickname Asscat for everything he destroyed in his path and his attitude when I nailed him for it.  Now, he has to be in my lap at least three hours out of the day, which is difficult for me when I'm trying to work.

He's also discovered that he can climb one of our bookshelves.  I guess that continues his Asscat legacy, but I'm terrified that he'll end up knocking it over because of how big he is.  Training continues.

Artie Bean is doing well.  He's struggling with the negative temperatures outside.  We're trying to limit his walks, but it seems like he has to be out there for at least ten minutes before he can take a number two, leaving him to walk funny as he gets ice between his paws.  Aaron and I have admittedly laughed at it, but we both know that it means the cold is hurting.  I've tried trimming the fur back in between his paw pads and am planning on getting him booties (Oh lawd, I know, I know) but, until then, all I can do is pick him up and gently hold his paws until they're warmer.  I know I treat Artie like my little baby boy, but he truly is a blessing for how amazingly smart and empathetic he is.  He, like the rest of my fuzzy babies, deserves nothing but the best.

Also, as I'm sure you can tell in the picture up there, he's due for a teeth cleaning.  I was desperately hoping to make it a couple years before he needed another one, but he's prone to tartar build up.  Poor little guy.  He's going to be so distressed when he finds out he needs another one...

And, of course, Apollo (aka Lil Bits) is growing up fast!  He's actually really mellow for a kitten, but we have got to break him of attacking things under the covers.  He wakes me up at least twice every night because I twitch in my sleep.  If I move a hand under the blanket or a foot, it's claw city.  Caaaaaaaaaaaat!

He's also about due for vet check up number three, where his, er, nuggets will be removed.  As usual, I'll be guilt-ridden dropping him off at the vet that day, but I refuse to own a pet who won't be fixed.  With all my volunteering at shelters and foster groups, I've learned this: It only takes once.

As far as other updates go, I weighed in this morning and found myself at my goal weight for Thursday.  Boy I'm losing it fast!  I expected nothing different though, as my diet change was sudden and temporary.  I'm sure I'll hit a wall around 155 (as I did last year), but I'm prepared to actually be my goal weight this year.  Nothing will hold me back - not even being blind.  I was never overweight as a teen or even a young adult but hypothyroidism is, for lack of a better word, a bitch.  I can't wait to be me again.

With that, I believe it's time for me to get off of here and get some things done.  I have a plant chart to make for my balcony garden, a book to catch up on and some work to do.  Catch you all on the next update!


  1. Yay for life update and the fuzzies! <3

  2. You seem to be having a really awesome time with that new camera!

    1. Thank you! I'm so thrilled to finally have a decent camera. My cheap point-and-shoot died in December 2012 and every minute without it has been torture. I've been saving photos off of my FB for the past few days and all of those mobile uploads are of such poor quality, it actually breaks my heart.

  3. yay for an update. LoL Miss your face ;-)

    This bottle of Pink Moscato has been calling for people to drink her =P

    1. lol We really need to do that soon. My car wouldn't start this morning, likely due to the cold, so I'd like to get past this arctic blast we're having. As soon as it moves on, we need to have a girls' night (even if it's girls + kids). :)

    2. Lmfao! We should! I do take the occasional night off from motherhood. LoL we'll have to see what we come up with.
