Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The End of an Era

Before I went to bed in the wee hours of the morning today, I officially deactivated my Facebook.  With it came the loss of a set of friends, some close and some from other countries, that I will sadly miss.  By hitting that deactivation button, I am stepping out of an era of negativity, stifled with social frustration and disconnect.  I am rightfully at fault for allowing things to happen the way they did.  I made some mistakes.  A made a lot.  I tried to apologize.  Sometimes it was good enough. Sometimes it wasn't, particularly in the case of last night.  And that's fine.  Some wonderful people came out of the woodwork and got me back on my feet when I needed it the very most, and I couldn't be more grateful (even if the donuts are giving me a terrible stomach ache right now).

However, I'm turning my focus towards putting all of that behind me today.  My apartment has been a wreck since shortly after Christmas, so I'm going to fix that.  I still need to take down the tree even.  That's happening today.  Then I think a good negativity cleansing is in order, complete with sage smudge, salt - all that new age-y stuff you've only heard about at your local metaphysical store.  Yeah, I'm into it.  So sue me.

After that, I think I'm going to take a nice, long bath and try to relax.  I don't think I'm going to force myself to work or stick to my schedule today.  And that's okay!  I truly need a day anyway.  I spend a lot of time giving too much of myself, whether it's through work or friendship or volunteering or events.  Today's going to be about me.

I have some things to return.  I'm going to get that out of the way in the next few days.  I also have a chunk of things to donate.  They've been building up in the entry way since our move and it's time to get them out of the way.

By the end of the week, I want this whole thing to be over with and a new life to be set before me.

Seems so dramatic for Facebook, doesn't it?  Eh, Facebook was dramatic all on its own.

In other news, Apollo went in for his neutering today.  Because he's young, we won't get him back until tomorrow afternoon.  It's putting me on edge a bit, but it's also kind of a relief to know my toes won't get nibbled on in my sleep for a night!

In addition to that, when I went to take him for said appointment, my car wouldn't start.  I'm going to imagine that's the sub-zero temperatures at work.  Today's supposed to be warmer (if by warmer, you mean just over actual freezing), so I'm hoping to go try again at the warmest point of the day.  If it doesn't start still, then it's time to get it towed and looked at.  My car usually does this thing every year where it costs me a grand or two to repair and then it's good for twelve months.  Maybe I'm just getting it out of the way early.

Add a new car to the list of things we need to invest in long term.  Actually, since my husband's is only a couple years newer, add two.

Expect posts from here on out to go back to the couple-times-a-week schedule.  I've been posting often because of the Facebook deactivation, but I don't want to make this the new norm.  What was the point of shutting down my Facebook page in the first place if I simply step right into another form of social media?  I have a Check In scheduled for tomorrow, but I think I'll be taking the rest of the week off from blogging barring any major life events.  See you all on the flip side!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an eventful day. I've got a few of those ahead of me. lol
