Monday, April 8, 2013

Getting back on top of things.

No check-in this week.  Why?  I've been on a much-needed vacation from absolutely everything.  Other than taking commissions for this upcoming week, sorting some paper work and some deep cleaning for the house, I really just stayed in and played games all week.  I got my hair dyed, went to Perkins and generally said screw it to my diet.  Even more so, the in-laws came over to help us clear some brush from the backyard today and I, for the first time ever, did not participate.

I have been one lazy slob.

But now, it's Monday, and that's officially over.  I can't say I feel 100% rested from the monotony that has been the 2013 catch-up year (that'd take at least another week... maybe two?), but I feel better.  Now I need to look towards the rest of the month.  Thanks to my fantastic week off, I have to do four weeks worth of work in about three.  Yikes!  I reorganized my marker calendar, stepped up my schedule planning and set up a calendar on my desktop in Sticky Notes.  I've got my week planned out and, if I can stay on top of everything, I'll be set.

The big thing about last month was that it was the first month I didn't hit my weight loss goal.  In fact, I actually gained a pound. Disappointing!  I weighed myself this morning and nothing has changed despite being off the diet (phew!).  That's at least a firm step in place.  To take steps forward, I need to be proactive.

Yesterday, I tagged some of the friends who used to work out with me on a regular basis to see if they wanted to set up regular exercise times again.  I actually ended up hearing from someone else entirely, Nic, who wanted to set up Wednesday jog days.  Alex also contacted me about Tuesday nights, so I should be heading her direction for Zumba then.

Natalie and I, as far as I know, are still meeting for Monday and Thursday night exercises.  Truth is, we haven't met in a while though.  I cancelled on her last Thursday for a showing and she cancelled last Monday for a hangover.  And, while I can't remember from before that, there has been a lot of cancelling going on.  To make matters even worse, I have a friendship emergency that will have me out of town tomorrow.  I expect to get back in tomorrow evening, so I'm hoping she'll be up for exercising then.

If I can keep all of that going, that's four light to moderate workouts every week.

On top of that, I got our local high school's community education packet.  In May of last year, I took an exercise course through the school district.  I lost 15 pounds and kept it off, but have struggled to lose any more than that since then.  I fully intended to take the course again in the fall, but the moved they location and I didn't want to drive all the way out there.  While they haven't moved it closer for the spring, I'm really tired of trying to do this by myself, so I fully intend to take it again.  I asked the group and Natalie showed interest.  I'm hoping we can get at least two days in for that each week.  That'll change up my schedule a bit for May and June, but it'll be worth it.

Finally, I'm looking into some week-long challenges for April to get me to my goal.  I haven't settled on anything yet, though I probably should since this is week one, but here are some challenges I've been interested in:

7 Day Challenges:
Summer Arms Challenge
Summer Butt Challenge
Summer Abs Challenge
Clean Eating Challenge
Salad Challenge
Inspirational Challenge

I'm not much for sitting around and doing nothing.  The only way to move forward is to get moving.  Hopefully, between the challenges, the new exercise nights and the classes in May, I'll get back on top of my weight loss goals.


Edit: Take my poll below to help me decide which 7 Day Challenge I should start tomorrow!  I've excluded the clean eating and salad challenges because I've already grocery shopped for this week, but all the other ones are open.  OR, if you have a seven day challenge you want to suggest, choose "Other" and comment on this journal entry with a link!

Which 7 Day Challenge should I begin tomorrow? free polls 

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