Thursday, April 18, 2013

Times are Changing plus Day 7!

Before I get into my post, I wanted to share with you our huge cleaning success this past week.  Look at that left-side catastrophe that was our den closet.  It was a terrifying wreck. Almost everything after my zombie-themed birthday party got crammed in there last year along with all our Renfest gear.  There's a torn up laundry basket filled with nothing of value on the top shelf.  I can even see a white trash bag of clothes so messed up or torn up I'd be embarrassed to donate them.  What a wreck!

Fortunately, because it was such a mess, it took me and my husband a whole two hours to clean it out total.  A lot of it went straight to the trash.  Surprisingly, under the pile was a bunch of old computer stuff that my husband had to sort.  Getting him motivated to do it was honestly what took the longest.  We ended up one with case and one box out of all of that stuff.

What was left after our clean-out was a half-empty closet that could honestly be combined with the office closet.  My goal, by the end of September, is to empty out so much of our stuff that moving is a one-day job and not a one-week job.  I also want to get empty enough by May that moving my best friend and her boyfriend in will be a piece of cake, not a cram-fest.

Which leads me to my next topic: times are changing.  My best friend, Charli, confirmed that she will be moving down by the end of May.  When we were in high school, all we ever talked about was rooming at SCAD together.  Of course, neither of us went to SCAD, and thank goodness too - she already has enough student loans and I would have actually had them on top of Aaron's.  Yikes!

Aaron and I have had our share of bad roommate experiences.  So has Charli and Eric.  After everything we've been through, Charli might be the only person in the universe I would attempt to live with.  I won't lie: I'm terrified.  I don't want to ruin our friendship.  But with some few base laws that we all have to abide by (read: roommate agreement), and some friendship elbow grease, I think it'll really work.  So far, every fear I have had about it has simply panned out, which I think is a good sign.

The other day we were talking and Charli mentioned something about how much I've changed.  So much so, she felt "out of the loop."  Things really are changing.  For one, the camping trip made me realize that I want to camp way more often.  Once a month would be great.  And I really want to go on a more extended trip involving a few days.  I never realized how much I would enjoy it.  So there's that.

Two, I've decided to make a major life decision and go pescetarian (also known as a pesci-vegetarian).  It sounds like a huge, random leap but it's actually been a long time coming.  I spent a few weeks gently avoiding all meat and found it to be relatively easy.  I then addressed my desire to my husband, who supports me whole-heartedly.  After this week, I will no longer be as lax about it was I was in the past month or so and will start stating that I'm a pescetarian when offered non-pescetarian food.

So why pescetarian?  A variety of reasons, actually.  It's actually cheaper to be a pescetarian or vegetarian than it is to be an omnivore.  There's a reason many third-world country citizens are vegetarian and not by choice.  Meat is actually downright expensive.  Also, a vegetarian or pescetarian diet tends to be fiber-rich and lower in fat.  Since I've been having trouble losing weight, a pescetarian diet could give me the boost I need to drop some more pounds.

Then there's all the standard reasons.  Everyone knows my stance on animal rights and cruelty.  How can I be against animal cruelty when I eat animals who haven't had a fair life?  I don't think for one minute that my resignation of eating beef, pork or poultry will change the industries.  It's simply a preference I have.  On top of it, abstaining from eating meat reduces my personal carbon footprint and personal water consumption.  Again, I'm not someone who thinks that my decision has a huge impact.  I'm aware of how small it is.  But small as it may be, it's there.  That's what matters to me.

But why pescetarianism instead of vegetarianism?  The answer's simple: I'm moderately carb-intolerant thanks to my thyroid.  While I still think cutting higher-fat meats out of my system will help me lose weight, I'm aware of the protein I need to survive.  Therefore, I'm willing to include fish and shellfish out of my concern for my personal health.  That also makes it easier on my relatives, who may not understand what seems like a sudden change.

If I could go vegan, I would.  I can't afford to at this point in my life.  I would like to avoid more animal products in the future, beyond just what I eat.  It's a goal for much later.

And finally, my Day 7 Inspirational Challenge from Monday:

Day 7: Monday, April 15th

Wake up 30 minutes early for...
Breakfast Questions
What is my greatest challenge in my life right now?
Honestly, I'm a harsh critic of everyone when I'm completely by myself.  I need to stop judging others by the same standard I judge myself.  Everyone's fighting their own battle and trying their best.

Who do I love in my life?
My husband helps me through everything.  He is my psychiatrist, my wellness coach, my support group, my chef and my love all in one.  I don't know how I got so lucky.

What am I proud of in my life?
My three rescues who continue to amaze me every day.
My ability to achieve my dream job and maintain it without having a "day" job.
My dedication to my health.  Even if I messed up a bit last month, I've been routinely successful.

What brings me happiness in my life?
My friends.  They're an amazing group of girls.  I have so much in common with them and they have truly changed my life.  And my best friend, who has always been there for me, always pushing me to be the best version of myself possible.

What am I grateful for in my life?
My health.  Despite being hypothyroid, which is a common affliction and manageable with medication, I am otherwise healthy and relatively fit.

One Random Act of Kindness
I offered my condolences about the Boston Marathon explosions on Monday via Facebook to spread the word.  It's not much, I know, but it's something.
Also, while it's not really random, I did offer to pay for my religious group's get-together next Tuesday on Monday.

Donate One Item
Final donation list: Bag of 20+ like-new cat and dog toys, pirate shirt (never used), old pageboy hat, art box, braided leather belt, two fake machetes, Webster Dictionary, Hawaii keychain, two bracelets, two banana clips and one incense burner.
There's actually a lot more than this, but these are the items I decided to pull specifically for this challenge.

Read for 30 Minutes
Did this!

20-30 Minutes of Exercise
Walked the dog for about 20 minutes.  You know, before it started raining again...

End of the Day Questions
How did today go?
It went well!

What were your strengths?
I've been having a long streak of successful portion control this week.  Seems I'm back on my diet full-force!

What were your weaknesses?
Trying to work has been a struggle.  I'm experiencing severe burnout from work.  Also, the two weeks almost-straight of clouds have not helped one bit.

What went well?
Since we finished cleaning the closet today, donating was again the easiest task.

What are you grateful for?
My husband and pets, who make life worth living.

What could you do different next time?
When I wake up, I need to stay up, no matter how tired the clouds make me.  I think it's impeding any desire I have to work.

Anything else?


  1. Nice job on the closet! Did you find a new apartment or are you guys staying where you're at?

    1. Thanks! We're staying where we're at until September, ideally. Then we'll be moving. We haven't found a new place yet, but so far Timberline is still the best option we've looked at.

  2. I've always wanted a pirate shirt :P
