Friday, April 12, 2013

Inspirational Challenge Day 3/7

Day 3: Thursday, April 11th

Wake up 30 minutes early for...
Breakfast Questions
What is my greatest challenge in my life right now?
Got cancelled on for exercise night again tonight and for next week as well by one of the girls.  Once upon a time, there were exercise nights twice weekly, and at least two or three people would show up.  Now, there's just nothing.  I want to say, "That's okay, I understand that you're too tired after work to exercise," or  "It's alright that you have commissions. So do I, so I don't mind."  Truth is, I'm tired and I have commissions, but I still want to exercise.  And anyone who thinks my job isn't stressful or hard doesn't understand what it means to freelance.  It's about carving out time whether you feel like it or not.  I guess I should take my own advice and just exercise alone.  Sometimes I feel like I should just send out a mass message cancelling all exercise nights so I'm not constantly disappointed in people.

Who do I love in my life?
I'm not feeling particularly friendly to anyone right now, not going to lie.  Even my husband has been largely absent today, and when he has been available, he seems annoyed with me.  On the bright side, Artie knows exactly when I'm upset.  He curled up with me while I felt down earlier and has been attached to my side.  My baby boy.

What am I proud of in my life?
A couple nights ago, I started working on something spiritual for myself.  I've been meaning to work on it all year and haven't gotten around to it, so I'm pretty proud of finally starting on it.

What brings me happiness in my life?
Right at this moment, it's hard to think of anything that isn't a vice.  Like food.  Food makes me happy, but that's also partially why I'm overweight.  If I had to pick something healthy, I guess I'd have to say the sunlight, since we haven't gotten any of that for most of the week.  It's yet another dreary, cloudy and rainy day today.

What am I grateful for in my life?
My pets, particularly my dog today.  Dogs in particular are loyal, loving and forgiving.  I don't know what I'd do without mine.

One Random Act of Kindness
Can someone give me a random act of kindness today?  I could really use one.


So above is as far as I got yesterday before I just gave up.  Same days just lack that spark I need to get moving.

Because I didn't complete this day, I'll be doing double-time today.  I'll also be adding an additional day onto my 7 Day Challenge this week.

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