Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Inspirational Challenge Day 1/7

Day 1: Tuesday, April 9th

Wake up 30 minutes early for...
Breakfast Questions
What is my greatest challenge in my life right now?
Self-control.  The minute I didn't lose weight last month, even though I knew exactly why, I fell out of my diet.  I didn't diet at all on my week off either.  I'm trying to get back on track, but yesterday, I ate a veggie burger even after I knew I had hit my calorie limit.  So, self-control.

Who do I love in my life?
My husband supports me regardless of what happens in life.  He is my rock.  When my exercise buddy for Monday cancelled, he stepped up and walked two miles with me yesterday.  I couldn't ask for more.
And my girls.  I spent the day with them on a friendship emergency yesterday.  We know how to laugh, we antagonize each other in the best way possible, we share absolutely (and I mean absolutely) everything, and we sang songs together the whole hour-long drive home.  Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am and I certainly wouldn't have made it through 2012.  They support me in the worst of times and I don't give them enough credit.

What am I proud of in my life?
My career.  I may not be working on major projects for companies or artwork that you'd see every day.  I may not be a household name, but that was never, ever my goal anyway.  Fame wasn't a necessity. I just wanted to make it - and I did.  I freelance full-time.  That's my job.  That's everything I do.  It's not a side-job or a hobby; I don't work a dull job to support my art.  My art is my support.  Not many can say that.

What brings me happiness in my life?
A lot of people and events do, but nothing makes me smile more than my pets.  When I woke up this morning, Zeus was curled up with his head on my pillow, Hermes was laying across my stomach and Artie was using my feet as his pillow.  All I have to do is look at Zeus and he comes running over like, purring and mewing.  Artie is so amazingly smart, my pride and joy and proof that good parenting makes great pets.  Someone just didn't know how to work with him, but look at him now!  And Hermes?  Despite all of his dickery, he's become amazingly loving and sweet.  And when they're all together, they're one big family.  How did I get so lucky?

What am I grateful for in my life?
The amazing house we're currently renting. My ability to practice my religion freely with my friends and lead a strong group of amazing, enabled and empowered women down the path.  The freedom (and maybe even lack there of) that my job gives me.  The fact that my body still moves, that I can still get down on and up off the floor with ease, and that, other than hypothyroidism, allergies and the occasional asthma, I am healthy.  And the fact that all of those previously mentioned are manageable - not life threatening and certainly not impeding as long as I'm on the right medication.

One Random Act of Kindness
I sent a (real, not digital) gift to a friend who really needed a pick-me-up.

Donate One Item
This is my art box from college.  It's been sitting empty for over two years in my closet.  Off it goes to a thrift store!

Read for 30 Minutes
I'm still really not sure what I'm going to read for this month.  I'm very indecisive.  Also, chances are, I'll have to wait for it to come in once I do decide, so this may not be a possibility this week.
Unless you count all the articles I read today.  Then I'm certain I read for more than 30 minutes.

20-30 Minutes of Exercise
I did have a picture for this, but my phone decided to corrupt it.
I went on a 25 minute walk with my husband and our dog this evening right before the rain.
I also had planned on exercising with Alex tonight, but she cancelled. :(

End of the Day Questions
How did today go?
Well, I think!

What were your strengths?
I was able to overcome being cancelled on again and work out anyway.  Even if it was just a two mile walk, it's something!

What were your weaknesses?
Self-control as usual.  So far, I'm about 50 calories over my limit, and I'm starving like crazy.  I'll probably end up going about 200 calories over.
I've also been very lazy today.  Trying to work has been like pulling teeth.  Still in vacation mode, I suppose.

What went well?
Nabbing something to donate was super easy since we're cleaning out a closet.

What are you grateful for?
My husband, who helps me with pretty much anything I ask for.

What could you do different next time?
Actually find some motivation.  I need it.  Also, space out my eating a little bit more.  Ugh I'm so hungry.

Anything else?
Not really!

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