Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Inspirational Challenge Day 2/7

Day 2: Wednesday, April 10th

Wake up 30 minutes early for...
Breakfast Questions
What is my greatest challenge in my life right now?
Patience.  I was cancelled on both Monday and Tuesday by two different girls for exercise night.  I spend a lot of time and effort trying to track down people to set up exercise dates only to get repeatedly blown off.  I sent out a message trying to rally some people up to take the same exercise course I took last year together, but no one can make it.  Some people I understand have other obligations, but others are just simply being lazy.  There's always an excuse.  I feel like the only person I know who cares about getting healthy.

Who do I love in my life?
My pets.  They never bail on me, always loyal.  In fact, Artie and Zeus are cuddled up at my feet together and Hermes is sleeping on my husband's office chair right behind me.  I don't know what I'd do without my fuzzy coworkers to keep me sane.

What am I proud of in my life?
The 15 pounds I lost last year during an exercise course and my total weight loss of 25 lbs since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  Though it doesn't feel like it at times, I'm over halfway to my goal.  I tell myself that a lot when I feel like giving up.

What brings me happiness in my life?
Sleep.  Lots and lots of sleep.  It's been cloudy and rainy for the past several days, so waking up early has been difficult.  I've almost switched my schedule to going to bed at 5 in the morning and getting up at 1 in the afternoon.  I always wake up feeling well rested when I sleep like this, despite how much it disrupts my life.  I loves me some sleep.

What am I grateful for in my life?
The job I have that gives me both the money and the time to take the courses I need to take to achieve a healthier me.

One Random Act of Kindness
I offered to pay up front for a friend's exercise class if they could pay me back before the end of the six weeks.  I would have offered to just pay for it, but I don't really have a spare $40 laying around given our savings situation. That being said, if finances are an issue, hopefully that will remove the problem.

Donate One Item

Adding to my art box from yesterday are two fake machetes from my Zombie Birthday Bash last year.  They didn't get used during the party. Even if I decide to have another Halloween or zombie-themed party again, they can still be given away.

Read for 30 Minutes
Still unsure of what to read for this.

20-30 Minutes of Exercise
It rained all day, so I was unable to go on a walk.  I should have pulled out an exercise DVD, but I didn't.

End of the Day Questions
How did today go?
It went alright.

What were your strengths?
I actually had great self-control today!  I still have over 300 calories left and I'm currently feeling very full.  I've also been very healthy today with my food - a salad with tuna and lemon juice, a veggie burger, tomato soup, a protein and vitamin bar, egg whites, Greek yogurt.  I'm a boss at dieting when I put my mind to it!

What were your weaknesses?
Trying to work today has, again, been like pulling teeth.  I really want to work on something else specifically, but I know I need to work and it's distracting.  I also should have exercised today.  I really meant to, but the rain was so heavy and all I really want to do is go walking/jogging lately with the nice weather.

What went well?
Again, nabbing something to donate was a matter of reaching in the closet and pulling something out.  Super easy.

What are you grateful for?
My husband, who has spent most of the evening attempting to motivate me into some work.  I definitely need it.

What could you do different next time?
Exercise DVD.  I have 'em.  I should use 'em.

Anything else?

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