Tuesday, January 22, 2013


My husband called my doctor's office on Friday because I wasn't available thanks to my mom's physical therapy and work.  He was directed to the nurse's office where he got a voice mail and left a message about the cost of my thyroid tests.  No call back.  I called this morning and got the same runaround. Left a voice mail and never got called back.

The billing department was able to tell me that it would cost $15-$35 for them to draw my blood, but that doesn't include the actual lab.  Since they use an outside lab, I would have to pay that lab for them to analyse my blood.  God knows how much that'll be.  They didn't know and said a nurse would be more apt to answer that.  If only one would answer the damn phone.  I don't like things being in a state of flux.

I also don't want to have to search for a different doctor.  I don't want to end up with one that screws me over.  The last time I changed doctors, she changed all my medication.  I ended up having to go back to my regular doctor to get switched back to everything I was previously on.  It took three months for me to feel like myself again.

I'm content to stay at the same doc, but his nurses are awful.  Not to mention the lady who does blood work is, for lack of a better word, a bitch.  Every time I tell her I need to lay down to have my blood drawn, she gets frustrated with me. The one time I didn't lay down, I told her I felt nauseous and she said, "Oh, everyone feels nauseous after having blood drawn."  That was less than a minute before I defiled an office trashcan with a ball of vomit.  I don't handle getting my blood drawn very well and I wish she'd respect that a little more; instead she acts like I'm just trying to make her job harder.

On the bright side, said office trash can didn't have a trash bag.  I hope she enjoyed scrubbing my puke out.

Because of what blood work does to me, I'll have to have Aaron take a half-day so he can come with me.  I can't drive after having my blood drawn and will probably be clammy and nauseous afterward.  One time, I passed out and it took about fifteen minutes for me to come to.  Clearly, I'm not best suited to operate a vehicle when done.  I'll probably also need him to watch me for an hour before going back to work to make sure I don't pass out or violate another trash can.

I wish I handled blood work better.  Nothing like paying hundreds of dollars for them to do something to you that makes you nauseous and/or faint.  It's like my body completely rejects every idea of my blood coming out through a needle.

This whole post is gross.


  1. Haha, I hope she enjoyed scrubbing your puke out of the trashcan too! And no, not everyone feels nauseous after having blood drawn. I don't feel faint either. I think it's interesting how people handle it differently. My husband usually passes out.
    Not sure if this will help you, but out here my lab tests for T4 and TSH are $195 before insurance plus $24 drawing fee.

  2. Oh, maybe you can try finding out who they send the labs to and contact them to get a better idea of the cost?
    Dang, I was tested for Von Willebrand and that blood test was over $800 before insurance!

    1. Eek! I actually thought about that after I hung up the phone. D'oh! Fortunately, I got a phone call about it today. It's only around $40!
