Wednesday, January 23, 2013


One of my most important goals spiritually is to start meditating again.  It's been something I haven't done for some time and my stress level shows it.  I meditated a few times through January, but that certainly wasn't what I had in mind.  I often noted in check ups how much I neglected this portion of my goals and I eventually started scheduling it in this week.

And what a difference it's making!

I'm fresh out of a meditation session and I feel pretty darn good.  What does true meditation feel like?  Well it's certainly not just sitting in the middle of a room, doing nothing with your legs crossed.  Honestly, as my sense of being fades, my hearing fades and I begin feeling as though I'm rocking.  It's almost as if I'm on water.  When away, it's like a dream - something vague yet very real.  And when I return, there's a pleasant numbness and warmth that fills me.

For those of you who don't believe in meditation, you're simply not doing it right.  There's nothing supernatural about meditation.  We don't truly leave our bodies and float off to another plan - we instead recess to the part of our minds that's filled with light and hope, bathe in it for a short time, and return to the real world.  It's liberating.  I dare you to try it.

Personally, because it's been a lengthy time since I've touched meditation, I've been following guided beginner meditations on Youtube.  I have the advantage of knowing when I'm truly meditating and when I'm just not thinking about anything.  It's made some of the meditations frustrating for me because I want them to catch up, which means I should probably step it up a little.  On my most recent one, I ended up ahead of the meditation but somehow still following it, which I actually thought was a little neat.  That being said, I want to make it through a few weeks of beginner level before I move on.  Having a solid foundation is the most essential key to doing anything.

If I can keep up the progress this week, I'll have no problems labeling meditation as 50% by my 4th week check in, and 100% by the end of the month.  That's a steady jump from 15%.

Do you meditate?  What does it feel like to you?

1 comment:

  1. I really should try scheduling meditation sessions or just doing it randomly in times when my hands and feet are extremely cold.
    I do meditate sometimes but it usually ends up being whenever I have a cat in my lap to absorb their warmth.
    I don't really feel anything when I do meditate. I try to focus on breathing, which is supposed to help with circulation.
